Thursday, August 5, 2010

it's me again :)

ok well, here i am again. oh let me insert a picture or two:

kirstin took this. isnt it amazing? the tree...the clouds...the colors...and especially the lightening!  she took it with her camera so the resolution should be great for printing. but when i try it tells me i cant go above a 5x7. i wanted an 11xsomething or at least an 8x10.  poop heads ;)

 hahaha now is that humorous or what? lol.  i forget where that was? but i wasnt planning on buying it :p  i put that up as my profile picture on facebook haaha

do you love this? i do. if i was going to get a tattoo, i would consider this one definitely.  its yin yang, its the tao, its nature, its the sea, its mermaids-mysterious creatures of

it's 2am now. i am talking to haley on fb hah. i told her she's up awful late ;) and she said "but its summer" and i said "thats true." and then i told her that uncle rob is sleeping next to me lol 

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