Wednesday, August 25, 2010

i have a cold

i knew i was getting a cold last night. this morning it hurt to swallow. just because it was dry and swollen. not red and swollen i dont think. kevin's throat is the same i think.  i am very stuffy today but i am usually like that when it is so humid. it is 62 and somewhat humid.  kev is putting away the trash cans. haha. he says its not raining out any more but i think it is. *shrug*

ive been very bored lately. oops i forgot my meds this morning. dont forget those meg.....i wonder if this boredom has something to do with me having run out of 3 meds.  i think i was bored before that too. heather said i might need a med adjustment. but i dont have an appt with dr cohen so i better go and get on the horn and do that too.

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