Wednesday, August 25, 2010

kirstin took this picture. isnt it great? she took it at, er, some type of museum.  anyway i love the shot she got. her flickr acct is full of wonderful pictures, as sarah's is also.

so i am me? hippie? primitive? straight american? american homemaker with no particular style. well thats fine if i am. i can live just as i am if i want. i dont have to stress about it and i dont have to insist on dressing like a hippie now. not insist. that's not the right word. i guess i mean i dont need to lock myself into that style just because i started it. i feel bad i bought some skirts but i'll still wear them and they'll be good to have for occassions. and i still love the bracelets and anklets.  

i have a cold

i knew i was getting a cold last night. this morning it hurt to swallow. just because it was dry and swollen. not red and swollen i dont think. kevin's throat is the same i think.  i am very stuffy today but i am usually like that when it is so humid. it is 62 and somewhat humid.  kev is putting away the trash cans. haha. he says its not raining out any more but i think it is. *shrug*

ive been very bored lately. oops i forgot my meds this morning. dont forget those meg.....i wonder if this boredom has something to do with me having run out of 3 meds.  i think i was bored before that too. heather said i might need a med adjustment. but i dont have an appt with dr cohen so i better go and get on the horn and do that too.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


we're getting comcast back. mike came over today (we're on a first name basis with this guy now lol). sarah went to newport with her friends! jealous! ive been wanting to do that and ive never been!!

Monday, August 9, 2010


bored.  im bored a lot. maybe i should go outside. take a blanket and do something outside. what? i dont know. i just talked to trippy. i told her that if she moves to that house, we'll be only 8 hours apart from ea other! and she thought that was pretty cool. wow, that would be neat to meet her someday :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

it's me again :)

ok well, here i am again. oh let me insert a picture or two:

kirstin took this. isnt it amazing? the tree...the clouds...the colors...and especially the lightening!  she took it with her camera so the resolution should be great for printing. but when i try it tells me i cant go above a 5x7. i wanted an 11xsomething or at least an 8x10.  poop heads ;)

 hahaha now is that humorous or what? lol.  i forget where that was? but i wasnt planning on buying it :p  i put that up as my profile picture on facebook haaha

do you love this? i do. if i was going to get a tattoo, i would consider this one definitely.  its yin yang, its the tao, its nature, its the sea, its mermaids-mysterious creatures of

it's 2am now. i am talking to haley on fb hah. i told her she's up awful late ;) and she said "but its summer" and i said "thats true." and then i told her that uncle rob is sleeping next to me lol